'Community' 8-Bit Game Now Actually Playable, Thanks to Fans

'Community' 8-Bit Game Now Actually Playable, Thanks to Fans One of the best episodes of season 3 of "Community," and perhaps of the entire series, was the recent episode "Digital Estate Planning." The episode was creatively and visually stunning, as it featured the cast represented in an 8-bit video game created by Pierce's father. It was kinda the greatest thing ever.

The game was so in-depth and awesome that you might have been sitting there thinking, "man, I wish I could play that game." Well, never doubt the ingenuity and obsession of "Community" fans: now you actually can play the game!

Of course, the game is nowhere near the type of product that was on the show, which would have actually required decades of programming and some very sophisticated AI. Instead, it's sort of a simple side-scroller, but it features some very faithfully reproduced screens, characters and enemies.

Currently, you can choose to play as any of the characters featured on the episode, jump on some enemy hippies, and run through a few screens featured in the episode. Updates continue to come in to the Reddit thread where the download link is also posted.

Let's hope this industrious programmer can at least get us to the point where we can accidentally set the town blacksmith on fire.

Download the game here. Also, check out a clip from the episode below: