Comedy Central Plans Alec Baldwin Roast

Comedy Central Plans Alec Baldwin Roast

Alec Baldwin has enjoyed a career revival after he started impersonating an infamously thin-skinned president, but the actor does not have a reputation for being particularly easy-going himself. With a history of violent angry outbursts, Baldwin is a dangerous guy to cross, so we hope that his upcoming Comedy Central roast doesn't get out of hand. Read on for details.

Via Page Six.

Alec Baldwin will prove yet again he can take a punch, this time around at least the verbal kind, when he sits for a Comedy Central roast this summer. “The Comedy Central Roast of Alec Baldwin” will be taped in New York; the taping date and airdate will be announced later.

“Getting roasted will be the greatest honor of my lifetime besides being a father, a husband, hosting ‘SNL’ seventeen times, receiving Golden Globes, Emmys, and working with Martin Scorsese,” said Baldwin in a statement.

Said Jonas Larsen, EVP Talent and Development, Comedy Central: “Alec Baldwin has done so many great things it will be a unique treat to spend a night focusing on everything he’d rather forget.”

Get the rest of the story at Page Six.

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