Comedian Artie Lange Dropped from '@Midnight' After Tweeting Jokes About Slavery and Sex with ESPN Reporter

Comedian Artie Lange Dropped from '@Midnight' After Tweeting Jokes About Slavery and Sex with ESPN Reporter Comedian Artie Lange has quickly learned that there are some jokes that you're better off not making.

Lange posted a string of tweets last night as he was watching ESPN's "First Take," which is hosted by Cari Champion.

CAUTION: NSFW language follows.

"The chick on ESPNs First Take is so fuckin hot!" Lange tweeted. Then, he launched into a series of tweets meant to be jokes that fell flat with just about everyone.

"I want the Chick on First Take to laugh at my white dick!" he wrote. "Here's the scenario I'm using to jerkoff to chick on First Take I'm T. Jefferson & she's my slave. She beats the shit out of me & runs free. Then I cum and she's free! The Happiest ending ever!"

Later, Lange started directly @-replying Champion in his tweets. "I attempt to whip @CariChampion cuz she disrespected the Jefferson Plantation but she grabs whip & beats me I cum like a fat founding father," he wrote.

The tweets spawned a new hashtag, #ISupportCari, and tons of backlash against Lange. Before the dust had settled, Lange had been dropped from this week's schedule on the Comedy Central show "@Midnight," hosted by "Talking Dead" host Chris Hardwick, on which he was set to make an appearance.

However, Lange has refused to apologize for the tweets.

"I'm about to tweet a few things I can't believe have to be explained in a rational world," he wrote later. "I observed that @CariChampion was a gorgeous lady. This observation came while I was watching one of my favorite tv shows ESPNs First Take. I also noticed she was black. I then thought it would be funny to tweet JOKES about that observation. A decision which might be the end of modern comedy. I tweeted jokes that in the past I would've said in privately in my home among friends. I know black women who could join me and handle it. I won't debate if the tweets were funny. That could take minutes of precious time left in my career. The issue is do they warrant an apology. Tricky question. I would rather load trucks for a living then ever apologize to one of these awful PC groups ruining the country. So that's a NO. But if it upset the lady in question that's another story. Let me say to @CariChampion if this hurt u in any way I'm sorry. I'm a comedian. Sometimes I'm funny! For the record my moms disgusted w the tweets. But if I based my humor on my mom I'd be broke."

So at least Champion got an apology, though Lange's variation on the "some of my best friends are black" argument isn't helping his case at all here.