CNN's Wolf Blitzer Faces Off With Donald Trump

CNN's Wolf Blitzer Faces Off With Donald Trump "This, again?"

Yep. It's this...again.

CNN's Wolf Blitzer recently called a spade a "spade" and Donald Trump "ridiculous" because the uber-coiffed billionaire just won't accept that President Barack Obama has been all but proven to have been born in Hawaii. The real estate tycoon and creator of NBC's "The Apprentice" is slated to appear at a Tuesday night campaign fundraiser alongside Obama's lone remaining Republican presidential challenger, former Massachussetts Gov. Mitt Romney.

Trump has been the dog jealously carrying around this bone a while, now. Once Obama in early 2011 produced his Certificate of Live Birth seemingly verifying his exit from his mother's vagina occurred on U.S. soil, he probably believed he'd at last largely heard the end of questions about whether or not he fell under the Constitution's mandate that the President be American-born.

If nothing else, it probably should have been left alone after the 2011 White House Correspondents Dinner, and this...the first several minutes of which I have since deemed "The Single Greatest Damn Thing Ever"...

That's not to say that Trump took Blitzer's remark lying down, either.

"If you'd report it accurately, you'd get better ratings which are pretty small," Trump responded.


For more, check out the full CNN clip below.