Anderson Cooper Attacked! CNN Anchor Punched, Kicked by Crowds in Cairo

Anderson Cooper Attacked! CNN Anchor Punched, Kicked by Crowds in Cairo Things have been ugly the last week in Egypt, with literally millions of protestors clogging the streets in an effort to forcibly remove Prime Minister Hosni Mubarak. Tension has escalated over the past two days, with anti-government demonstrators throwing rocks and molotov cocktails Several hundred people have been injured and as many as 300 Egyptians have been killed in the ensuing chaos.

CNN Anchor Anderson Cooper is in Cairo with a crew covering the events, and he reports today that protestors have turned against the media, punching him and his crew in the face and kicking at them.

"The attackers pushed and shoved the CNN crew and punched them in the head, he said, but no one was seriously hurt," according to a report on

Cooper's CNN colleague Steve Brusk tweeted that Cooper was "punched 10 times in the head" by a "pro-Mubarak mob."

Cooper is apparently fine, but taking cover from the violence. He will reportedly continue to report from Egypt.

Pro-government supporters have also unbelievably started riding through the streets riding camels and horses and attempting to whip the protestors.

Mubarak offered last night to not seek re-election in the country, but protestors want him out of office immediately.

Watch Cooper's terrifying report: