Ciara Gets Mommy Shamed for Baby Sledding

Ciara Gets Mommy Shamed for Baby Sledding

Ciara caused quite the stir after she shared a video of her riding a toboggan in China with her three-month old daughter, Sienna Princess, strapped to her chest.

The footage, which lasts less than a minute, show Ciara, 31, whizzing down the toboggan path while husband Russell Wilson and son Future Zahir follow closely behind.

A number of commenters criticized the pop star’s choice to bring her baby on a potentially dangerous ride.

“Isn’t this too dangerous for a new born,” one comment read, while another said, “It may be fun but doing this with an infant to your chest is not smart at all.”

But some commenters seemed to support Ciara in her controversial decision to bring her baby along for the ride.

“Why is everyone saying it’s dangerous for the baby… and anyway she’s holding the baby it’s not like it’s going to fall,” said one person.

Read the rest of this article at Page Six.

Ciara has appeared on America's Next Top Model and The Game.