Christina Aguilera Offered $3 Mill to be Curvy Girl Dating Site Spokesperson

Christina Aguilera Offered $3 Mill to be Curvy Girl Dating Site Spokesperson Christina Aguilera has been offered a cozy new position—as a spokeswoman for!

The Voice” host has reportedly been offered a pretty sweet deal if she steps in—a cool $3 million, actually.

Aguilera was approached by Whitney Thompson, who won the plus-sized “America’s Next Top Model” and has launched the new website, which is “specifically designed for women with curves!”

If she takes the deal, Aguilera will have to appear in one commercial for the website, as well as a radio commercial, participate in two photo shoots, four public appearances… and possibly perform the site’s jingle.

Aguilera has notably put on a few pounds as of late, but the strong-lunged diva ain’t shy about them.

"I've always been one to make it very clear, love me or hate me, take it or leave it, this is who I am," she said. "I embrace my body, and I embrace everything about myself… I'm embracing everything that I've grown to be and learned to be,” the singer has said.

Aguilera has defended her weight gain multiple times, saying, "Actually, the challenge I’ve always had is being too thin, so I love that now I have a booty, and obviously I love showing my cleavage."

"Hey, if you can work it and you can own it, that confidence is going to shine through,” she’s also encouraged.

Excellent advice, but can she follow through and step in as a spokeswoman for officially “curvy” ladies? The money’s good, the work is easy… all she’s gotta do is maintain that new voluptuous form and she’s in the gold.

Will she take the offer as a compliment or an insult?