Christie Brinkley Gardens in a Bikini

Christie Brinkley Gardens in a Bikini

At age 63, Christie Brinkley isn’t afraid to rock a bikini — even when it comes to gardening.

“I always put a bikini on a say, ‘Oh, it is just to wear around the house. I am not going to go anywhere in it. I just want to get a little color while I am gardening,’” the Sports Illustrated swimsuit model told PeopleStyle. “I run around trimming my begonias to even everything out so I don’t have any tan lines.”

Brinkley insisted her reasoning is a simple one.

“When you’re naked, you want those parts tanned!” she said. “I don’t care how much sunblock you put on, when you’re outdoors as much as I am, you’re going to get some color.”

Read the rest of this article at Page Six.

Christie Brinkley has appeared in Parks and Recreation and National Lampoon's Vacation.