Chris Brown Addresses Ray Rice Abuse Scandal: 'It's All About the Choices'

Chris Brown Addresses Ray Rice Abuse Scandal: 'It's All About the Choices' Just about everyone has something to say, good or bad, about the Ray Rice scandal...Chris Brown included.

The pop star weighed in on the issue following Rice's firing from the Baltimore Ravens and suspension from the NFL after a video of him punching his then-fiancee in an elevator surfaced.

"I think it’s all about the choices you make," Brown said in an interview with MTV News. "With me, I deal with a lot of anger issues from my past — not knowing how to express myself verbally but at the same time not knowing how to cope with my emotions and deal with them and understand what they were."

Brown then addressed Rice directly: "To Ray, or anybody else — because I'm not better than the next man — I can just say I've been down that road. I deal with situations and I've made my mistakes too, but it's all about how you push forward and how you control yourself."

Brown was famously found guilty of assault and battery when he beat Rihanna in his car, leaving her face bruised and swollen. Brown avoided serious jail time and did anger management therapy and community service instead, though his attendance record was less than stellar.

As for Rice, he has avoided any legal ramifications since Janay Rice, now his wife, didn't press charges against him. Rice was originally facing only a suspension of two games for the assault based on a video of Rice dragging an unconscious Janay out of the elevator. When the full video showing Rice actually punching Janay and knocking her out was released by TMZ, the Ravens dropped Rice and the NFL increased Rice's suspension.

That's still only the same level of repercussions as for players who test positive for marijuana, as fellow NFL player Josh Gordon is serving a one-year suspension for a positive drug test. His suspension might be reduced with a new vote from the players' union, but actor Seth Rogen pointed out the hypocrisy in a tweet aimed at NFL commissioner Roger Goodell: "Your punishment for beating a woman is less than for smoking weed. Get your head out of your f--king ass," he wrote.

Watch the video of Brown's interview below: