Chelsea Handler to Debate Tomi Lahren

Chelsea Handler to Debate Tomi Lahren

It will be liberal comedian versus conservative commentator.

Talk show host Chelsea Handler will face off against her political counterpart Tomi Lahren at the annual Politicon convention at the end of the month, the Washington Post reported.

Handler, who hosts a show on Netflix, has been an outspoken opponent of President Trump, and once said his presidency would be “the end of our civilization.”

Lahren, who was dropped by Glenn Beck’s website The Blaze over comments she made about abortion this spring, rose to fame after slamming NFL quarterback Colin Kaepernick for taking a knee during the playing of the nation anthem and her blistering attacks on the Black Lives Matter movement, comparing them to the KKK.

Read the rest of this article at Page Six.

Chelsea Handler is the star of the Netflix series Chelsea and Chelsea Does.