Charlie Sheen Offered $3 Million to be the Face of Sugar Daddies

Charlie Sheen Offered $3 Million to be the Face of Sugar Daddies Charlie Sheen may be officially out of a job now that Ashton Kutcher has taken over his spot on "Two and a Half Men," but that doesn't mean he can't still be a millionaire. He just has to do some creative spokesman jobs.

The website, which bills itself as a website for wealthy men to find women who need their support (so, a dating site for sugar daddies), has reportedly given Charlie Sheen a generous offer. According to TMZ, Established Men has offered Sheen $3 million to become the face of sugar daddies everywhere. As a man who has a steady stream of "goddesses," Sheen might be perfect for the job.

Here's the catch: the $3 million contract would not only require that Sheen become a spokesman for the site...he would actually become the president of the company and would work on sales and marketing. He would also re-locate to Toronto, where the site has its headquarters. So I say take it, Sheen! (Come on everyone, this is our only chance to get him out of the country!)

The funny/sad part of all this is that the $3 million contract covers three years, so basically Sheen would be making $1 million per year as president of Established Men. Compare that to the nearly $2 million Sheen was making per episode of "Two and a Half Men" and you'll see how the mighty have fallen.