Charlie Sheen Disses Kim Kardashian's 'Giggly' Butt After She Reportedly Ignores a Young Fan

Charlie Sheen Disses Kim Kardashian's 'Giggly' Butt After She Reportedly Ignores a Young Fan

Looks all that "Anger Management" isn't quite working.

Charlie Sheen railed against Kim Kardashian today after he heard that Kim had blown off a young fan who wanted an autograph.

"you are lucky that ANYONE cares about your gross and giggly [sic] bag of funk you dare call an ass," Sheen reportedly wrote on Twitter before quickly deleting the tweets. "your public loves u. give something back or go f yourself. My apologies to your hubby, great guy I'm sure, I hope his vision returns one day. c."
As much as we love to hate on Kim Kardashian, we're not even sure where Charlie got this info from, or whether it's at all true. Celebrities rarely just shun a fan for no reason; often they've already signed a bunch of autographs, or are currently being hounded by paparazzi, or are just having a bad day and don't want to talk.
For her part, Kim didn't respond at all and Charlie deleted the tweets pretty quickly. As for Kanye, his newly released single with Paul McCartney is getting lots of press, so he seems to be getting his "vision" back.