Is 'Two and a Half Men' Star Charlie Sheen Reconciling with Brooke Mueller?

Is 'Two and a Half Men' Star Charlie Sheen Reconciling with Brooke Mueller? Here is a rumor that will surely stump you and make you scratch your head. Supposedly, Charlie Sheen and Brooke Mueller are working at a reconciliation. I know, WTH is that about? Why would any sane woman want to get back with a man who aleegedly beat her, threatened her and one who has been accused of hanging out with hookers and doing drugs all over the country?

Oh, one who also happens to be the highest paid actor on TV. Gotcha.

Why on Earth would Charlie want to get back with a woman who he's threatened in the past - one who also can’t stay sober and one who has a record? Oh, she tolerates his BS.

Maybe they should get back together - just don’t have any more kids!

According to Contact Music:

"Brooke's mother Moira Fiore said: 'They're talking about it constantly, and Brooke has been saying she and Charlie are trying to get back together.

'She seems ready to give it another try.'

According to Moira, the 'Two and a Half Men' star has been telling Brooke - who he married in May 2008 - things have "not gone well" for him recently following reports of drug binges and nights spent with porn actresses.

She told The Palm Beach Post newspaper: 'Charlie's been telling her that things have not gone well for him. I think he's making her feel guilty and he wants to be with Brooke.'"

Throw in the guilt and you have the foundation for a wonderful new chance at a relationship. Drugs, cheating, hookers, alcohol, guilt – what more could you ask for in a partner? Please, please let this one be false and that Brooke’s mom is/was delusional when she said it.