Celebrities Take to Their Twitters After the Debate!

Celebrities Take to Their Twitters After the Debate! Another presidential debate has come and gone, and so, to determine the winner, America looks to its most trusted source: Twitter.

What did the celebrities have to say about the Romney/Obama debate?

Lindsay Lohan: “Nice work to both @BarackObama and @MittRomney… i’m so relieved that its over. Maybe more than both of you..severe anxiety-God Bless xo L

Kathy Griffin: “What I've learned so far.Mitt wants 2 battle "bad guyz" & Syria,Libya & Russia are chock full o bad guyz. Who wants 2 fund this?”

Bill Maher: “First debate, all agreed, Obama lost; second one, i say he won, but Romney not trounced. But this one? Only bubbledwellers can say Mitt won”

Samuel L. Jackson: “Ok, I tried! That Smug... Lyin'... Caught in his own shit & STILL Just LYING!! Just looking to pad his resume'!”

Jon Stewart/The Daily Show: “Bullshit Mountain! Bring a clothespin and shoes you don't mind throwing away.”

Donald Trump:  “The debate was pretty even but I thought Mitt should have been much more aggressive on Obama's failed foreign policy-- and I mean much more.”

Aubrey O’Day: “This isn't going to come down to Romney being a better candidate, he's not. Fact. It's going to come down to how much one dislikes Obama.”

But absolute worst of the night award goes to Ann Coulter, who thoughtlessly tweeted:

“I highly approve of Romney’s decision to be kind and gentle to the retard.”

Coulter also tweeted: "Obama: "Stage 3 Romneysia" - because cancer references are HILARIOUS. If he's 'the smartest guy in the room' it must be one retarded room."

Oh, Ann Coulter. Just... everything about that was painfully bad.

(A spokesperson for the Special Olympics has released this statement: "We are disappointed in [Ann's] regular use of the word despite our constituents regular appeals to her for compassion… "[We] welcome an open invitation for her to be involved in an educational meeting with our athletes to understand the demeaning use of the R-word in everyday speech.")

Did you watch the debates? Who, in your opinion, won this round?