Carrie Underwood Announces Pregnancy With Help of...Dogs?

Carrie Underwood Announces Pregnancy With Help of...Dogs? Congratulations to Carrie Underwood!

The "American Idol" winner and country singer made a big announcement on Twitter today: She's pregnant!

But Underwood decided to enlist the help of her other, more furry children to make the announcement as she dressed her two dogs, Ace and Penny, in T-shirts.

The doggie T-shirts read, "I'm going to be a big brother," and "I'm going to be a big sister," and Underwood held the two dogs as they all posed for a photo.

"In honor of 'Labor' Day," Underwood wrote with the photo, "Ace & Penny would like to make an announcement. Their parents couldn't be happier!"

We're not sure that Ace and Penny are actually thrilled about the news, as Penny looks a little disgruntled in the photo.

Underwood's husband, Mike Fisher, decided to crack a couple of jokes of his own. "I knew you would finally cave and let us get another dog," he tweeted at Underwood. He followed that up with this gem of an idea for a name: "We haven't picked names yet but it looks like Fly is gonna fly #boyorgirl #flyfisher."

We're hoping Underwood vetoes "Fly Fisher" for the poor kid's sake!