Carrie Fisher Wants An Apology From George Lucas for Princess Leia Merch Deal

Lo and behold, the list of people harboring some major George Lucas resentment no longer stops at millions upon millions of fan-children spanning a couple generations.

Now, one of the "Star Wars" saga's most iconic players has an ax to grind.

Carrie Fisher recently took to Newsweek and made one thing clear: though she blames herself more than a little, the "Star Wars" creator could've been a little more forthcoming about what she was signing away when she negotiated her pay starting with "Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope." Those aren't weepy nostalgic tears she's crying these days over the franchise's place as a cultural institution.

Rather, she's wishing she could dry them with some more padded royalty checks.

She explains from the get-go that nobody had any idea how the law legally defined a "likeness" when she signed her deal for the first movie at Age 19. The law didn't define it, because for all intents and purposes, there was no such thing and no real market yet for movie-merchandie tie-ins.

"Lately I feel like I’m Minnie Mouse—the identity of Princess Leia so eclipses any other identity that I’ve ever had," Fisher wrote.

Fisher describes an absurd but sadly true life she leads. She quipped about being told that George Lucas licensed her "likeness" for "Star Wars" socks, so now "(Fisher's) daughter can walk on (her) face." She claims she once walked through a Williams Sonoma high-end home furnishing store and saw little Princess Leia figurines for cupcakes. "Who wouldn't need those?" she rhetorically asked.

Fisher even recently discovered, through her daughter's friend, that a strain of medicinal marijuana now bears the "Princess Leia" name. She can laugh that one off, because she admittedly was never a big pot fan herself.

But still, she thinks . . .

"How much money could I have made from all this stuff?" she wondered. "I don’t want to know. It’s too upsetting. Yet funny."

She claims that there's never been animosity toward Lucas over the licensing question. "Harrison Ford was 33! He should've known better!" she remarked, after saying that she and Lucas have, in fact, cracked wise about the whole dumb, ironic twist over the years. "Here’s where I’m dumb. I assume if there’s an argument to be made, Harrison would have made it, and if he made it, I would have heard about it, because we had the same deal. But Harrison hasn’t fixed his deal. So this is an ongoing mistake."

She did express disappointment that Lucas has never bothered with an apology. Though she says that she's not the type to linger on mistakes - owing particularly to how she handled her years of drug abuse, as well as the "Princess Leia thing," she said - she sometimes wonders whether the players who made the prequels after "Return of the Jedi" got her same raw deal.

"Every so often, I wonder if Natalie Portman is getting more money than the none I’m getting," Fisher mused. "If she’s holding a check for Princess Amidala’s likeness in one hand and her Oscar in the other, that would piss me off."