Carmelo Anthony Wants to Do a Political Reality Show

Carmelo Anthony Wants to Do a Political Reality Show

One reason Carmelo Anthony wants to stay in New York with the Knicks is that he’s been pitching a reality show about his work as a political activist.

It would be a weekly half-hour show of Anthony discussing issues with other civic-minded celebrities and going to meetings and rallies.

Anthony, an outspoken supporter of Black Lives Matter issues, hosted a town hall meeting on police brutality in South Los Angeles last July.

The perennial All-Star has a no-trade contract with the Knicks and seems intent on staying, even though Knicks president Phil Jackson has said he’d “be better off somewhere else” and “We’ve not been able to win with him on the court.”

It is doubtful Anthony could shoot a reality TV series about his political activism if he played in a smaller market such as Cleveland (where trade rumors have popped up).

Read the rest of this article at Page Six.

Carmelo Anthony was one of the stars of La La's Full Court Wedding.