What Can We Expect For 'Once Upon a Time' Now?

What Can We Expect For 'Once Upon a Time' Now? After the game-changing last episode of “Once Upon a Time,” fans are left wondering—what will happen to our beloved characters?

TvGuide.com spoke with Adam Horowitz and Edward Kitsis, the who’s executive producers, to get an idea of what audiences can expect from upcoming episodes.

For example, what will happen to Snow White after the impressively evil decision she made in the last episode, “The Miller’s Daughter?”

Kitsis says, “The journey to restore her heart and the lightness in it becomes her arc at the end of this season. Obviously her husband is going to her, her daughter is going to help and there are going to be circumstances to give her the opportunity to help her lighten that heart again.”

How about Regina, who is the most impacted by Snow’s decision?

Horowitz says, A fire has been lit under her. We've seen what she's like when she's been motivated before, but I'm not sure she's ever been quite as motivated as she is now.”

The two also give audiences a preview of what other tidbits they can expect. The next episode, for example, will cover the first week of the curse.

“What's been fun for us is that when we premiered the show, we dropped you right down in the middle of this story in terms of Storybrooke 28 years later. We saw the curse get cast in the pilot then the 28 years later. It's been fun to fill in some of the blanks, but we're really excited for the audience to see why we're filling in the blanks. Those are the surprises we intend to unravel in this episode. What is it about those early days of Storybrooke that are so important and relevant to what is happening now?” Horowitz says.

Of course, many of us are wondering what will happen between Emma and Neal, now that he has returned to her life. However, a small factor stands in the way… Tamara, Neal’s fiancee.

“It's going to be hard for her,” Kitsis says. “We know what their dream was, which was the two of them going to Tallahassee. In a lot of ways, it's hard for her to see that he's found it with someone else. The one thing we know about Emma is that she has a great self-defense mechanism where she convinces herself she doesn't care, so I think those two things will be at war with each other.

Additionally, they hint that we will meet Belle’s alter ego Lacey, as well as shows centering around Hook, and learn more about what Neal/Baelfire experienced after his father send him from the land.

How do you think Snow will deal with what she has done? If you missed the last episode, you can catch up here.