Video: Cameron Diaz Plays Nurse for Jon Stewart . . . All In The Name Of Promoting 'Bad Teacher'

Video: Cameron Diaz Plays Nurse for Jon Stewart . . . All In The Name Of Promoting 'Bad Teacher' When it comes to a bedside aide, you could do a whole lot worse than Cameron Diaz.

But as the great Levar Burton would say, you don’t have to take my word for it. Take Jon Stewart’s. He’s the famous one, after all, not me.

Diaz dropped in on “The Daily Show with Jon Stewart” Wednesday to stump for her latest comedy “Bad Teacher,” hitting theaters June 24. And few people mince words quite like Diaz when talking about her titular foul-mouthed, negative character.

“Elizabeth is a horrible person who doesn’t care about anyone but herself,” said the always-frank, blonde stunner.

Diaz showed that playing the bombshell commander of the classroom must’ve been a stretch, as she took the opportunity to keep her word to Stewart that she would gladly remove stitches from Stewart’s wrist for him live on his show – with clearance from Stewart’s doctor and a few simple instructions, of course.

“Now, you are not, in any way, a doctor,” Stewart clarified as Diaz tied back her golden mane.

“I, er . . . I played a teacher!” Diaz corrected.

Oh, well then . . .