Caleb Returns to 'Pretty Little Liars'

Caleb Returns to 'Pretty Little Liars' Many fans of "Pretty Little Liars" weren't happy when Caleb (Tyler Blackburn) left Rosewood to take the lead role in "Ravenswood," the "PLL" spin-off. It might have been a coincidence, but many "PLL" fans also didn't watch "Ravenswood," a situation that's resulted in Caleb's return to Rosewood amid much rejoicing.

ABC Family cancelled "Ravenswood" at the end of its initial 10-episode run, making it possible for Blackburn to return as a regular on "PLL."

"Hey ‘Pretty Little Liars’ fans, Tyler here, and I’ve got some big news," Blackburn said in announcement on an episode of the network's "Behind the Curtain" series. "I’m heading back to Rosewood, and I will be back this summer on ‘Pretty Little Liars.’ So thank you so much for all of your support. I love you guys."

Blackburn will be an official series regular next season, and he will come onboard sometime early in season five. Now the question is whether or not the return of Caleb to Rosewood means the end of the budding romance between Hanna and Travis. We'll just have to tune into the premiere of "PLL"'s season five on June 10 to find out. Meanwhile, though, there's the finale of season four to deal with; that episode airs this Tuesday.