Caitlyn Jenner Has Sex Reassignment Surgery

Caitlyn Jenner Has Sex Reassignment Surgery

Nearly two years after publicly announcing her transition from male to female, Caitlyn Jenner has undergone sex reassignment surgery and tells the world about the decision in her upcoming memoir, a new report claims.

“The surgery was a success, and I feel not only wonderful but liberated,” Jenner reportedly writes in “The Secrets of My Life,” out April 25 (as excerpted by RadarOnline).

The former Olympian and Keeping Up with The Kardashians star reportedly underwent the below-the-belt surgery in January of this year.

A rep for Jenner had no comment.

The 67-year-old formerly known as Bruce Jenner gets very candid in the memoir, reportedly writing that, for her, a penis “has no special gifts or use for me other than what I have said before, the ability to take a whiz in the woods. I just want to have all the right parts. I am also tired of tucking the damn thing in all the time.”

Read the rest of this article at Page Six.