Bryan Cranston Still Thinks There Could Be More 'Breaking Bad'

Bryan Cranston Still Thinks There Could Be More 'Breaking Bad' It ain't over until Walter White says it's over.

In an interview with CNN's Ashleigh Banfield, "Breaking Bad" star Bryan Cranston said the words that every fan of the hit AMC show wants to hear: "Never say never."

CAUTION: Spoilers for the final season of "Breaking Bad" follow!

Banfield gushed about how much she loved the show, and offered her own fan theory to Cranston. "I wasn't so sure that you died," said Banfield. "I really wasn't. Your eyes were open and I thought, 'What if the police just take him into custody, he gets better, breaks out and just goes nuts?"

Cranston didn't shoot down the theory; in fact, he encouraged it.

"Hey, you never saw bags zip up or anything," replied Cranston, adding, "Never say never."

Fans have voiced their hopes for a "Breaking Bad" movie, though obviously the ending of the series makes that difficult. Plus, who in their right mind would mess with such a perfect ending to a TV series?

Instead, fans will likely have to settle for the spin-off "Better Call Saul," focusing on Bob Odenkirk's sleazy lawyer Saul Goodman and his misadventures in Albuquerque. Considering that much of the same writing and directly talent will likely be involved with the series, the word "settle" probably won't apply at all.

Watch the interview with Cranston below: