'Brooklyn Nine-Nine' Season 3, Episode 9: 'The Swedes' Recap

'Brooklyn Nine-Nine'  Season 3, Episode 9: 'The Swedes' Recap Jake is trying to figure out what to do for his six-month anniversary with Amy.

He and Rosa bust someone who is carrying a diamond stolen from the Royal Stockholm Museum. Detectives from Interpol are coming to pick up the suspect and Holt wants them to feel welcome. Jake does his best but they consider the precinct dirty and Jake and Rosa unprofessional.

Gina is ready to give up on school, sure she will fail her finals, but Terry and Amy offer to help her study. Amy's attempt bores her senseless. Terry recruits his gym buddy Neil Degrasse Tyson to help make studying astronomy more interesting. Nothing is working so finally they do a dance routine. Gina confesses she already took the test and passed because she was touched by how much they cared and actually studied.

Kevin is heading to Paris for 6 months for work, and asks Charles to step in for him and play as Holt's partner in squash so that he can carry on winning the championship at their club. Charles agrees but confesses to Terry that squash brings out his horrific competitive side. During the game he tries to keep it light but Holt insists he "unleash the beast" and be in his competitive glory. They win but are banned from the tournament for life.

The Swedish detectives believe that more diamonds may have been smuggled into Brooklyn and want to stay and work the case. Rosa and Jake are horrified, especially given how the Swedes act superior to them because they know everything about one another and Rosa and Jake don't have the same relationship.

Their animosity continues to grow when the Swedes beat them to checking out their perp's apartment and find an invitation to a party thrown by a Swedish millionaire with ties to organized crime. Jake and Rosa go to investigate a shipping container, convinced they are on the correct path. All they find is a bunch of dead fish, and Jake learns Rosa has broken up with Marcus but didn't tell him.

Jake and Rosa realize they should have looked at the dates on the shipping container backwards, a la the European way, and go find the correct container, which does indeed have the diamonds. Jake isn't happy though. He wants them to be friends and talk more about their lives but Rosa has no interest. As they argue, the shipping container is moved onto a truck. When it opens the two leap out and arrest the men, still having one another's backs.

They should be happy - they solved the case, but Rosa knows Jake is upset that they're not closer. She tells him he should take Amy to the NY Library for an overnight... which her new boyfriend can arrange. Jake is thrilled she has shared with him.