'Brooklyn Nine-Nine' Season 3, Episode 7: 'The Mattress' Recap

'Brooklyn Nine-Nine'  Season 3, Episode 7: 'The Mattress' Recap Jake and Amy decide to work their first case together as a couple, as they track down a new drug called Taxi.

However Holt doesn't normally allow couples to work together in the field but because Amy and Jake are two of his best, he lets it slide and just reminds them to keep it professional.

Almost immediately the two start fighting, Amy exhausted from sleeping on Jake's lumpy mattress.

They bust their drug dealer and Jake tackles him in an alley... on the same mattress he sleeps on. He finally agrees they can go mattress shopping.

Rosa's little brother through the Big Brother, Big Sister program is busted for shoplifting. She is furious. Terry brings in her ballet teacher to try to make a point that Rosa should go easy on him, but it backfires - Rosa's old teacher is super strict. However Rosa realizes that she quit dancing because of it, and lets her brother go with a warning.

Boyle accidentally hits Holt's car when Holt parks it at a bad angle and it is partly in his spot. Holt is enraged. To make a point Gina puts her cupcake on Holt's chair and then yells at him for ruining it when he sits on it. Holt takes the hint and forgives Charles.

Jake and Amy pick a mattress, but Jake is reluctant to spend the money on it. Amy reminds him it's an investment will help her sleep, but he isn't convinced. She takes this as him implying she is not worth it, and decides to sleep at her own place from now on.

They discover matchbooks with coded room numbers on the drug dealer and, unaware of the tension, Holt sends Jake and Amy to stake out the hotel the books are from. The two argue again, both accusing the other of not taking the relationship seriously. Jake won't get a mattress and Amy won't tell her mom she is dating someone. Their yelling is so loud that it alerts the perp they have staked out.

Holt talks to them individually about how they screwed up. He tells Jake that when he and Kevin were dating neither had a car and neither wanted to buy one to make it easier to see the other when they were living far apart. Then one day Kevin bought the car Charles had just hit, and it showed he was invested in the relationship.

As they stake out their drug dealer again, Jake buys a new mattress to show Amy that he's serious about them as a couple.