'Brooklyn Nine-Nine' Season 3, Episode 5: 'Halloween III' Recap

'Brooklyn Nine-Nine'  Season 3, Episode 5: 'Halloween III' Recap It's round three for Holt and Jake's annual competition. This year they've decided to steal the same object - a crown that they lock up in a briefcase in the interrogation room. They draft assistance, but neither will take Amy since she's too close to both sides. Amy tries to tell Jake that the decision hurt her feelings but he's convinced she's working for Holt.

Charles and Gina guard the briefcase first and discuss Charles setting her up with someone (an idea she is resistent to). As they talk an elaborate scheme is enacted by Jake and Rosa, who sneaks in and steals the crown while everyone is distracted. They hide the crown in his desk.

Holt has bugged said desk, however, and overhears what happened.

Amy goes to Holt and explains now she is mad at Jake and wants to help him take him down, but Holt assumes she is working for Jake.

Charles introduces Gina to the man he wants to set her up with, who is just her type, but she assumes it's some kind of distraction.

Terry's wife comes in with her kids and she uses them to distract Jake while Holt unscrews the back of the cabinet and steals the crown back. He's almost caught and has to ditch it in a trash can, arousing suspicion. Terry goes to retrieve the crown from the trash but it's missing, as Jake realizes that they have duped him and stolen it.

They confront each other and discover neither has it. Jake reviews the camera footage and finds that it was taken by a janitor named Al. He goes to Amy to try to get Al's home address, as does Holt. They insult her further by sucking up to her, so she gives them both the address.

Both teams run to the building of Al and find he is on the 60th floor and the elevator is broken. At the apartment they're told Al is on the roof (another long climb). They go up there to find Amy in a janitor costume. She explains she observed that Holt had Jake's desk bugged, and orchestrated the entire plot from there to humiliate them both since they both hurt her feelings and wouldn't let her be on either team.

She makes them crown her Queen of the Nine-Nine at Shaw's. Gina meets up with Leo, Charles' hook-up for her, and finds that he is perfect... and also Genevieve's twin brother.