'Brooklyn Nine-Nine' Season 3, Episode 3: 'Boyle's Hunch' Recap

'Brooklyn Nine-Nine'  Season 3, Episode 3: 'Boyle's Hunch' Recap Boyle has been online dating, and it's not going well. But, at the courthouse, he runs into a woman with similar interests, and they hit it off.

Holt asks Amy if she'll be showcased on some new PR posters for the NYPD. Amy is thrilled, but Gina thinks it's a bad idea. She is proved right when all the posters are vandalized. The NYPD doesn't have a great public image as of late. Forced to admit Gina was right, they ask her opinion in starting a new PR campaign inviting the public to offer advice on how they can do better.

Charles and Genevieve hit it off over lunch... but when they head back to court, it turns out their roles there are very different and she gets her sentence - 10 years in prison.

Charles looks into her case and thinks she is innocent. She is accused of robbing her own art gallery for insurance money, but he thinks she was set up. They visit her in prison and speculate on who might have framed her.

They think Boyle's original hunch that her ex-boyfriend robbed her has some credence when they look him up and find he's suddenly come into a lot of money and bought his own gallery.

They go to the gallery pretending to be artists, but Charles gets jealous when he meets Genevieve's ex, Nick, and blows their cover. Nick's assistant tells them that Nick is still in love with Genevieve and wouldn't have set her up - plus she provides an alibi. She also tells them to bring some of Genevieve's stuff with them. In the box they find a reciept for a storage unit... full of stolen art.

It seems hopeless and Charles is down... until Jake realizes that the date on the reciept coincides with a painting from a 24-hour sex session with Nick they saw at the gallery. They arrest the assistant, who is in love with Nick and framed Genevieve. Charles rushes off to free her.