'Brooklyn Nine-Nine' Season 3, Episode 13: 'The Cruise' Recap

'Brooklyn Nine-Nine'  Season 3, Episode 13: 'The Cruise' Recap Jake and Amy are going on a week-long cruise together! He wants to relax but of course she has it all scheduled out.

They go to the lounge for live music, and Jake is shocked to see Doug Judy, the Pontiac Bandit, is the performer. Judy recognizes Jake and calls him a greeting.

Holt is nervous about his little sister Debbie coming in. She's apparently the "drama queen" of the family. She is actually pretty dramatic, surprising Terry and Gina, who think Holt was exaggerating. They offer to keep her out of Holt's hair. She reveals she's going to be there for six weeks. He's horrified, but Gina suggests he fight drama with drama. He amps up his stress level, and she offers to leave, since he has so much going on. She admits the reason she came is because her husband was cheating and left her. Holt builds her a blanket fort like old times and they sit in there together.

Charles and Rosa investigate the death of an old woman, who appeared to go naturally... leaving behind a giant apartment. They both decide to apply for it. It becomes a heated competition, both trying to butter up the landlord. He tells them he's renting the apartment to someone else.

Doug Judy tells Jake that he arranged for him to take the cruise (winning tickets in a contest he didn't enter) because he's in peril. Someone is trying to kill him and he wants Jake to protect him. Jake would rather arrest him, but they're in international waters. Amy says only the captain can. However the captain refuses.

Judy explains his old boss wants him dead and there's a hitman on the boat. Jake isn't buying it. Judy wants them to go all over the boat and look for the hit man, so Amy's itinerary is the perfect way to do it. They go around and do activities, having fun. Judy thinks the hitman is a Henry Coles, but when he says the name out loud during shuffle board, Henry Coles answers. He's a very old man. Jake calls B.S. on Judy's story.

However when he goes to lock Judy up in his room, there is a man in there who tries to kill him, but gets away. Judy thinks he'll try to get him at his show that evening. Amy and Jake decide to blend in and use Judy as bait, promising to take down the killer before he can get to him. They try, but the man gets on stage and drags Judy away at knife point. Amy manages to knock him out from behind and they tie him up. In the process, Judy escapes them and locks them in the crew-only area. He escapes the boat and yells that he loves Jake, his best friend, as he flees. Jake is furious he got away yet again.

Rosa and Charles arrest the apartment manager, who actually poisoned the old woman so he could jack up the rent on her rent-controlled apartment. The game is back on.

With no Judy to worry about, Jake and Amy enjoy the rest of their vacation. Amy tells Jake she loves him, and he tells her he loves her too.