'Brooklyn Nine-Nine' Season 3, Episode 12: '9 Days' Recap

'Brooklyn Nine-Nine'  Season 3, Episode 12: '9 Days' Recap Holt has been depressed since Kevin left for Paris, and everyone is worried about him. Jake has an idea to pull him out of his funk - a cold case involving a Mafia lead who vanished eight years ago. It's a pretty useless case at this point, but Jake tells Holt it's urgent and that the man has been sighted.

Terry is struggling over studying for his exam. He can't get higher than a C-, and he compares himself to Holt, who aced it.

Charles is depressed. His dog Jason has died. Rosa is less than sympathetic.

Jake's distraction technique for Holt seems to be working. They go and talk to the personal trainer of Garibaldi, a man who appears in every picture with the Mafia head but denies any friendship or relationship beyond training.

They find out that, in talking to him, they were exposed (and contracted) the mumps. Both need to be quarantined for nine days. Amy (who has been vaccinated of course), and Jake, are concerned about Holt being on his own for that stretch of time, and offer to keep him company.

Terry takes over at the nine-nine, ready to shine, as Jake and Holt work on their case in their discomfort. The more medicine they take, the weirder their revelations. They go over footage of an Italian restaurant where they have leads, and realize the chef probably knows where Garibaldi is hiding out and handed someone a paper with his address on it. They rush off to interrogate him, but Amy comes in and stops them, reminding them they're quarantined and also explaining to them that they're entirely delirious and didn't solve the case at all. She has the paper they thought was the cracker, and it's a recipe for baked ziti.

She pulls Jake aside and tells him that, although Holt is distracted, they need to stop working on the stupid cold case before it kills them.

Rosa gets Charles a puppy to try to distract him, but he's offended by her thought that Jason can be so easily replaced. Meanwhile things are falling apart as Terry tries to hold eveyrthing together. Gina reminds him the reason that Holt never gets all the things accomplished that Terry has tried to do is because he's always putting out fires, just like Terry has done.

Jake confesses to Holt that the case isn't that big a deal, and Holt is furious. They get into a mump-poking fight. Amy breaks it up and tells them to relax. She brings them baked ziti from the recipe, which she made for them. It's terrible. They think it might actually be a code, and may potentially lead them to Garibaldi after all.

Rosa hold a funeral for Jason. She has kept the puppy and now she understands more where Charles is coming from with his mourning for his dog. It helps Charles through his grief.

Holt thanks Jake for trying to help him as well. He admits he was lonely, but too proud to tell anyone.