'Brooklyn Nine-Nine' Season 3, Episode 11: 'Hostage Situation' Recap

'Brooklyn Nine-Nine'  Season 3, Episode 11: 'Hostage Situation' Recap Genevieve and Charles are trying to have a baby! Charles is actually sterile after an accident where he got his junk hit multiple times with a baseball bat, but in years prior, he froze sperm before his ex-wife Eleanor made him have a vasectomy.

Jake suggests Charles is rushing into things, since he and Genevieve have only been dating three months.

Holt and Rosa want to get information from a guy they busted for cloned credit cards, but he will only speak to Gina. It goes to her head, of course, and she is convinced she can make him crack. It turns out he only wanted to talk to her because they went to school together. She doesn't remember him. He and Rosa bond over complaining about Gina and he gives her the name of his boss.

Amy asks Terry to write her a recommendation for a mentor program she is applying for. He is happy to do it... but then during their self-defense training she accidentally breaks his nose. While trying to make up to him by bringing him tea, she manages to spill it all over him. Terry is "petrified" of her.

Eleanor comes to the nine-nine, terrifying Jake and Charles. She found out he wanted to access his sperm and she withdrew it all. She'll give it back to him if he helps her - she hit someone with her car and he's suing, and she wants Charles to use his pull to get the case dropped. Jake and Charles take the issue to a lawyer and find out she has full legal right to own his sperm.

Jake reminds him they have trained for this... it's a hostage situation.

They review their options. The only bargaining chip Charles seems to have is Abigail, their mutual stylist, the one positive thing he got in the divorce. They go to negotiate, and get in by offering her Abigail. However Jake grabs the cup when she shows it to them, and she reveals it was just a dummy cup. She puts one of the real samples down the garbage disposal, "shooting a hostage." Jake is horrified - this never happens.

Charles just wants to go scare the 90-year-old priest that Eleanor hit, but Jake reminds him it's very illegal. Charles handcuffs Jake to a car and races off. Hitchcock comes along and gives Jake the keys to free himself. He races off after Charles, who is talking with the priest (who was sitting on a bench when Eleanor hit him). Before he can show his badge and intimidate the poor old man, Jake tases him and drags him off.

Amy's application to the program is rejected. She blames Terry, who shows her the glowing letter he sent on her behalf. He realizes he sent it to the wrong place... he thought she was applying to be a mentor, not be mentored. He calls and has her entered in the program as a mentor.

Jake locks Charles up and talks to him about what a great father he will be even if he can't use his own DNA, and how important his integrity is, before releasing him. Charles rushes to Eleanor's and tells her off. He and Genevieve look into sperm donors.