'Brooklyn Nine-Nine' Season 3, Episode 10: 'Yippie Kayak' Recap

'Brooklyn Nine-Nine'  Season 3, Episode 10: 'Yippie Kayak' Recap Jake forgot to get Charles a Christmas gift while Charles, characteristically, went over-the-top. He begs Gina to help him find something last-minute to get for Charles. Charles overhears and thinks Jake has forgotten a gift for Amy. He insists on going with them.

They get to the store just as it is closing and are forced to sneak in the back. As Jake is grabbing something for Charles, they realize that the store is being robbed.

Amy, who is wounded that Holt and Rosa haven't invited her along on a Polar Swim, tags along with them despite her hatred of cold, determined to prove that she is tough.

Neither Jake nor Charles have their gun on them, and no one can get through to dispatch, either, or reach anyone on the nine-nine. Jake manages to get through to Terry and explains that the exits are locked and there are multiple gunmen with hostages. He's excited for his real-life "Die Hard" situation.

Terry reminds him the priority is to protect Gina, a civilian. However GIna sneaks off to get hairspray to rig a flame thrower, and is captured. 

Outside, a force has assembled, but unfortunately for Terry it's the Vulture in charge. The Vulture wants to swarm in. Terry manages to talk him into holding off (reluctantly), so Jake can do his thing. Jake and Charles arm up with objects from the store and begin to take the bad guys out one by one. They knock out and capture four, tying them up and demanding to know where the hostages are being kept. A walkie talkie goes off and they find out there is a situation with the hostages. The Vulture, sick of waiting, tries to call in his men but  Terry grabs him and runs off with him over his shoulder.

Amy chickens out on the Polar Plunge, ashamed of herself. She finally checks her phone and finds all the texts from Jake. She grabs Holt and Rosa, running into the frigid water.

Jake and Charles try to go into the air vent, but are heard. Jake distracts the men and lets Charles escape. The main guy finds out Jake is a cop, and goes to shoot him. As he is about to be killed, Charles busts down from the air vent in his tank top and knocks the bad guy out.

They realize that the rest of the men are escaping through the sewers, and alert Terry, who captures them. Holt, who has arrived, suggests that Terry take the Lieutenant Exam, but also suspends him briefly.

Jake admits to Charles he didn't get him a gift, but Charles points out that he sacrified his John McClain moment and his own safety for him. As one of the captured gunmen escapes outside, Gina finally uses her flamethrower and subdues him.