'Brooklyn Nine-Nine' Season 2, Episode 8: 'USPIS' Recap

'Brooklyn Nine-Nine'  Season 2, Episode 8: 'USPIS' Recap Everyone missed Scully's birthday. They decide to throw in some cash, not realizing it was a plot thought up by Scully and Hitchcock to get some extra dough.

Rosa does a briefing - a second Gigglepig dealer has been brought in. Both have had keys with USPS engraved on them.

Amy is quitting smoking, and it's making her exceptionally irritable (or "terrifying" according to Terry). Terry offers to help her beat her cravings the same way he beat his overeating in the past - rebooting. He has her dunk her head in ice water.

Jake and Charles go to the Postal Inspection Service to get some information on the keys. They are for an old type of mailbox no longer used. They speak with Agent Jack Danger, who proves way less exciting than his name. Jake is upset when Rosa says they have to continue working with him on the case. They go to one of the old mailboxes and find sacks of Gigglepig inside.

They see the dealer holding another bag walking toward them. Danger gets stuck on the mailbox, and, when Jake goes to chase the dealer, grabs his leg to try to pull himself up. Jake loses sight of the dealer.

Amy's reboot hasn't worked. Holt tells her he used to be addicted to horse betting. He replaced his bad addiction with a good addiction - exercise. He tells her to join him on a lunchtime jog. It doesn't work either.

Jake tries to get Rosa to kick Danger off the case, but she points out there is a postal connection somewhere in the case. Jake requests a list of the people who collected the keys when the boxes were phased out, but Danger refuses. He wants to keep eyes on the boxes. When Danger leaves the room, Jake prints off the list of names.

He and Charles go to check the people out. One of them is the dealer they saw earlier in the day, and they arrest him. Rosa, however, takes him to task for ignoring her orders and abandoning Danger. Danger is taking over the case, as USPIS is federal.

Gina leads Amy on a guided meditation to help her quit smoking (Gina's past addiction was shopping, big shock). It also fails. Holt tells Amy to just stop being such a perfectionist and stressing herself out, and tries to set an example by speaking incorrect grammar.

Jake goes to apologize to Danger and suck up to him, to try to get the Gigglepig task force back on track. Danger lets them have the case back and admits he needs help anyway. The dealer won't talk to them and his books are in code. Together they realize the numbers (zip codes) stand for street names. Jake apologizes to Rosa and they raid the drug drop.