'Brooklyn Nine-Nine' Season 2, Episode 7: 'Lockdown' Recap

'Brooklyn Nine-Nine'  Season 2, Episode 7: 'Lockdown' Recap Holt's uncle has died, so Amy brings him flowers. Jake tries to one-up her by sending a nice e-mail, but sends it from his personal account, forgetting the signature is "sent from my stinky butt."

Terry and Holt go to a charity event, leaving Jake in charge. Of course that goes just as you'd expect... Jake grants everyone a "wish" and then they play games. As they're getting ready to go home for Thanksgiving, Charles knocks a package off of the counter, and powder comes out of it. No one is sure what it is.

Three other precincts got similar packages which turned out to be hoaxes, so Jake is confident it will be fine. However, the precinct is on lockdown until the powder can be examined. They're stuck in there with a variety of civilians, so Jake tries to keep everyone's spirits up. The hazmat guys tell him it's not baking powder, and there is a change it is toxic.

Jake decides not to tell the people, and to try to keep everyone happy by meeting their needs and keeping them entertained.

Holt and Terry go to Terry's house to monitor the situation. Terry's brother-in-law who always manages to talk down to him is there, but, when Zeke thinks that Holt is being a tough boss to Terry, Zeke sympathizes, and the two bond for once.

The lab has been shut for Thanksgiving, so it will take hours for the test results to come back. Jake continues trying to distract everyone, but they are getting restless and rowdy. A lawyer tries to leave, so Jake pulls him aside and explains the situation. The lawyer announces to everyone that there is anthrax in the box, and they all panic and riot.

Amy continues trying to tell Jake what to do to control the situation. Finally, he tells Amy she can be in charge. However, she refuses. She tells him he needs to be the one to take control of the problem. He begins buckling down on the civilian, and assigning everyone else tasks.

When Holt and Terry finally arrive, Jake has manages to calm everything down, and they find out the powder was a hoax, largely because Jake had Charles go through security footage, and they found that a disgruntled ex-IT guy had left the package. He had also been fired from the other precincts which received packages, so they were able to solve the issue sooner than expected. Holt goes from being disappointed in Jake to pleased.