'Brooklyn Nine-Nine' Season 2, Episode 4: 'Halloween II' Recap

'Brooklyn Nine-Nine'  Season 2, Episode 4: 'Halloween II' Recap It is Halloween, so Peralta again challenges Holt to a bet - if he can steal his wrist watch, Holt will do his paperwork for a week.

Holt is reluctant, but rises, when Jake says if he fails, he will do five weeks of overtime for free.

Rosa, Amy, and Terry put together safety packages for the kids trick-or-treating, but Gina claims she has urgent matters and can't help. Terry lets her go.

Jake hold a briefing for everyone regarding his plan on Holt. He knows that since they helped him last year, Holt will suspect them. That is why he has brought in an outside party, an expert pick-pocket called Fingers.

Jake tries to lure Holt out of his office but he refuses, so they smoke him out of it. Jake distracts him by acting like he is trying to steal the watch, but when he attacks with a flying toy, it knocks out a man (Fingers) behind Holt. Holt helps him up, and Fingers grabs the watch, and slips on the replica watch Jake has been hiding.

Later Jake goes to the bar to get the package Fingers has left him, but instead of a watch, finds a note thanking him for it.

At the precinct, Holt wants to put a hold on the bet. His husband Kevin is coming for lunch, and the watch was a gift from Kevin's dying father. Jake begins to panic but gets a text from Fingers to meet him.

Terry finds out that Gina's urgent matter was practicing for a dance competition, and is furious with her. Gina tells him the group kicked her out because she had missed so many practices, admitting she is taking night classes to get her degree.

Jake and Charles go to an alley, where Fingers demands money and Jake's shoes for the watch. Then he says it has been in the car glove box all along.

They go to retrieve it, and find the car is being towed. They chase after, but a parade of drunks separates them. A drink is spilled on Jake, so he ditches his jacket. He hears Charles calling him to jump on a party bus, so he uses his badge to get on, and sends it after the tow truck. He ends up dancing with the costumed drunks.

The bus drops Jake at the impound lot, but he finds his badge and wallet are missing and he isn't allowed in. He scales the fence, and as he is going for his car, it gets picked up to be crushed. Cops run up behind him and Jake is arrested.

Holt comes to get him, and explains that it was all part of the plot he had been hatching for a year. First, he drew Jake's attention to the watch, by pointing out every time Jake was late. He saw Jake's interest in Fingers when Rosa arrested him, and put him under his employment.

That phase worked out, and so he had Amy put a fire hydrant in front of the car as Jake negotiated in the alley, and tow it. Hitchcock and Sully, dressed up, separate him from Charles and spill a drink on him to get his wallet out of his jacket. A recording of Charles gets him on the party bus, where Rosa and Holt, dressed up, lift his badge off of him as they dance. The car wasn't crushed, Holt had it washed, and the watch - as well as the replica watch - remained on his wrist the whole time.

Jake has lost.

Terry, feeling bad for Gina, volunteers to be her partner in the dance competition.