'Brooklyn Nine-Nine' Season 2, Episode 3: 'The Jimmy Jab Games' Recap

'Brooklyn Nine-Nine'  Season 2, Episode 3: 'The Jimmy Jab Games' Recap Jake asks Rosa for her friend Katie's phone number, but she refuses. Charles is surprises he is bouncing back so quickly from Amy.

Everyone has a 3 hour time window where Holt and Terry will be gone. They decide to play the Jimmy Jab Games. Jake wants to play for Katie's number.

Holt and Terry go to present the Deputy Chief, Holt's enemy, with a petition for updated narcotic field kits to help them with a new drug in their area. However because of one typo, she rejects it. This was Holt's plan the whole time - now he can go over her head.

Boyle realizes that he left a tape of him exercising in the video camera, which Hitchcock has checked out. It also has Gina on it, so they are determined to get it back. Hitchcock agrees to give it back, but only if Boyle will do various things to make him seem more cool.

The games begin, starting with eating old Chinese food from the fridge, then running in bomb suits, and finally seeing how far they can get undercover. Soon it's down to Jake and Amy. Amy wonders why she is so bad at the games, and Jake tells her because she gets frantic and doesn't think them through like she does the rest of her life.

Rosa pulls Jake aside and tells him she can call it off, because Jake is clearly not over Amy. He disagrees, and claims he will win and not flirt with Amy. He struggles with this, however.

Terry and Holt go above the DC's head and get a task force, which she notes will make him look like the poster boy for departmental waste. The pressure is on to make sure they clean up the drug issue.

Hitchcock is enjoying Boyle's aid too much and refuses him the tape. They wrestle for it, Boyle finally grabbing it and destroying it.

Jake and Amy compete in the final round, and obstacle course. Amy wins, taking Jake's advice and thinking things through first. Jake admits to Rosa that he is not over Amy after all, and let her win. She gives him Katie's number and suggests he call her as a way to move on.

Holt and Terry come back at the end of the games and are furious. Only Rosa will explain what happened. Terry appreciates that she was forthright and wants to put her in charge of the task force. He also tells Holt that he is being immature in his feud with the DC.