'Brooklyn Nine-Nine' Season 2, Episode 23: 'Johnny and Dora' Recap

'Brooklyn Nine-Nine'  Season 2, Episode 23: 'Johnny and Dora' Recap

Jake and Amy go undercover to track down Michael Augustine, an identity theft who has stolen a government computer and is planning to sell it to China. They are told to tail him until he makes the drop and then arrest him, and the buyer. Jake drags his feet about working with Amy, and she calls him out on it. He admits that he is sad she says she won't date anymore cops, as he had been hoping to ask her out again.

They agree that it is best to keep their relationship professional.

Holt enlists Terry and Gina to help him foil Wuntch's plan to boot him out of the 99. He sends them to snatch a letter from the archives - in it, Wuntch had severely criticized her now-boss. Terry and Gina succeed, and Holt reveals the letter to Wuntch. She thinks it over, and finally decides that he can go ahead and show the letter to her superior. It will take months to authenticate, and before she can be fired over it, she'll make sure she splits up the 99 and sends his officers all over the place.

It's Rosa's birthday, but she hates parties. Boyle manages to drag her to a surprise party, which she knows is happening and warns him against. However it's just Marcus, who rented out an entire restaurant just to be alone with her... per Boyle's suggestion. Rosa is touched by how well Boyle knows her.

Amy and Jake trail Augustine to a restaurant, but when they can't get a table, they pretend they just became engaged. They end up sitting right next to Augustine, and have to concoct a story about themselves. Several times they have to kiss. Finally they track Augustine to the drop-off, and, after having to kiss again to deflect attention, can make their arrest.

Holt announces to the 99 that he is taking the transfer and will be leaving them, effective immediately. He even gets a little choked up.

Jake finds Amy hiding, trying to process the blow. They kiss in earnest.

kisses amy