'Brooklyn Nine-Nine' Season 2, Episode 20: 'AC/DC' Recap

'Brooklyn Nine-Nine'  Season 2, Episode 20: 'AC/DC' Recap During a chase, Jake manages to injure himself. Terry insists he stay at his desk to work.

Rosa has been invited to a dinner at Holt's house (by his husband and nephew). In an effort to make sure there is still a clear line between their personal and professional lives, Holt invites Gina and Amy to join them.

Jake won't just stay at his desk, of course, and ends up hurting himself more while trying to do work. Terry makes him go home for a week, but he comes back in, to pick up Charles for a trip to Atlantic City.

Charles and Jake head off, but Charles finds out it's actually a stakeout set up by Jake. Charles calls Terry, who shows up to stop the scheme.

At dinner, Amy and Gina are late, so Rosa and Holt have to make small talk. She blurts out to him that she thinks she may be pregnant. He helps find an excuse so she can go and take a test, just as Amy and Gina finally arrive. Amy, crushed the dinner is canceled, gets drunk on the porch.

Terry forces Jake into time-out, but first he goes to the bathroom. He thinks he sees his perp, climbs out the window... and it closes behind him, locking him outside. He manages to get Terry and Charles' attention through the window, and they bring him back in. Terry thinks he has a real problem with his addiction to work.

Terry insists that the Atlantic City PD will catch the perp, but Jake can't wait, and ends up chasing him. He is hit by a car in the process. In the hospital he admits that once he went on vacation during a case, and his perp ended up killing two people.

Rosa is not pregnant, but she thanks Holt for his help. They decide maybe keeping personal and professional so separate isn't the best idea after all.

Inspired by Terry's legitimate concern for him, Jake decides to take time off from work to take Charles on a real vacation.