'Brooklyn Nine-Nine' Season 2, Episode 19: 'Sabotage' Recap

'Brooklyn Nine-Nine'  Season 2, Episode 19: 'Sabotage' Recap After a week of issues causing Peralta to be late, he shows up to briefing early... only to hear that traces of drugs were found in his routine drug test.

Jake thinks perhaps his strange pattern of bad luck, and now this, is actually someone trying to sabotage him. While skeptical, Holt doesn't believe that Jake is doing drugs, so he does agree to put in an appeal, and have someone look into the sabotage concept.

Until that time, Jake is suspended.

With Jake off an extortion case he was working with Charles, Charles is forced to work with Hitchcock and Sulley. They're essentially incompetent. Charles loses his temper and insults them. Later, they solve the case on their own, and rub it in his face. Charles, chastised, wants to tell everyone what good work the pair has done, but they reveal that they did their hard work back in the day, and now they enjoy just sitting around at their desks being relatively useless.

Everyone forgot to go to Gina's dance concert, so Terry lies and says that he and Holt were there. Holt, who does not believe in white lies, threatens to come clean if he sees Gina, so Terry tries to run interference and keep Gina away from him. It doesn't work, and Holt tells Gina they were not at the performance, which he calls a "hobby." Gina vows to never dance again. Devastated, it isn't until Holt offers to pay her troop to perform (thus making it a career and not just a hobby) that Gina is able to forgive him.

Jake pulls up a list of possible enemies, but Rosa and Amy refuse to let him help on the case. He tries to get involved anyway, popping up at the urine lab, and stowing away in their car. Discovered, they try to bring him home, but he storms out. As they drive off, he is nearly hit by an ice cream truck.

Out jumps Sophia's old boss, the one he turned in for snorting cocaine at a work event, Geoffery Hoytsman. He pulls a gun on Jake.

Turns out Hoytsman is trying to ruin Jake's life like Jake ruined his (although Jake got most of the charges dropped). Hoystman makes Jake read a confession on videotape, wherein he claims he framed Hoytsman. The end of the script reveals Jake has decided to take his own life. Jake headbutts him and escapes out the truck, but, still tied up, isn't able to go far.

Luckily, Amy and Rosa, worried that Jake hadn't been bothering them, looked into his selfies and saw that he was being dogged by an ice cream truck. They rescue him.

Jake's suspension is lifted, and his gun and badge returned.