'Brooklyn Nine-Nine' Season 2, Episode 16: 'The Wednesday Incident' Recap

'Brooklyn Nine-Nine'  Season 2, Episode 16: 'The Wednesday Incident' Recap The Organized Crime Unit takes Jake's materials for a case. Jake goes to Holt to have him intervene, but Holt is in a terrible mood. He even takes away everyone's overtime.

Jake is determined to find out why Holt has been so angry (but more especially to deflect blame away from himself, seeing how he accidentally set off the sprinklers the day Holt's mood started).

He sets off to figure out what is happening, and starts by going to Kevin (enlisting Gina to help him, since Kevin hates him). He finds out Holt was in a fine mood last week, the day things started going downhill. The three begin tracing Holt's steps.

At Holt's fencing class, they find out Holt hasn't been attending. Kevin realizes Holt has been lying about going to class. Things are even worse than they were before, and now Kevin is angry too.

Trying to get into Holt's shoes, Jake walks his path, and sees a security camera. Using the footage, he goes to Holt's house, and tells him that the reason he is so mad is that he was mugged. Holt says he fought off the three men, but was "lightly stabbed." Kevin is furious that his husband hid this from him, and now everyone is even MORE angry.

Meanwhile Boyle has finally caught a bank robber who has been eluding him... an old man named Marvin. Amy and Rosa think Boyle is being ridiculous, but Marvin whispers to Boyle that he did steal the money. He plays helpless for the ladies however. Boyle is determined to get a confession and prove he's not being insane. However Marvin dies before he can get the truth. Luckily, Amy ran the serial number on a dollar that Marvin gave her for getting her a soda, and vindicates poor Boyle.

Jake tracks down one of the muggers, and brings Holt to the apartment so he can make the arrest. Holt admits that he is upset because he acted foolishly, and put himself in danger and was hurt. The arrest lifts his mood, and overtime is restored.