'Brooklyn Nine-Nine' Season 2, Episode 13: 'Payback' Recap

'Brooklyn Nine-Nine'  Season 2, Episode 13: 'Payback' Recap It's Marcus' birthday and Rosa wants to do something nice for him. She makes the mistake of asking for suggestions from her friends.

Jake tries to borrow a dollar from Terry only to find out he owes over $2,000 already, and Terry is fed up. He asks Jake to pay him back. Jake thinks this is strange and suspicious. He looks into it, and speculates that Terry's wife is pregnant again. He is correct. Terry tells him that it is too early to tell anyone, so Jake needs to keep it a secret.

Amy gets to work as a partner with Holt on his old case that she noticed was incorrect. Amy is excited to work with him, but Holt interrupts her attempt to bond by saying that he has already solved it. She's happy though that he lets her sit on a stake out with him, and even goes so far as to get "street meat" and coffee. Unfortunately it upsets his stomach and they have to hit the sirens. Amy is mortified, but Holt tells her that what had made him and his old partner bond were moments they could laugh over.

Jake pays Terry some of his money, but everyone reminds him he owes them as well... unless there's something special about Terry? They suggest Terry split the cash for now, but Jake knows that can't happen, and offers to work off some of his debt.

However he accidentally hits "reply all" on one of Terry's emails, and now everyone knows Terry and his wife are expecting. Jake tells everyone to keep their mouths shut, and has the IT guy break into Terry's email to delete it while Terry is at the gym. He goes to the gym to distract Terry while the IT guy works.

They are in the clear... until Sharon comes in, and Holt, who was not around for the whole scenario, congratulates her. Terry is furious with him, and Jake feels terrible. He can't untell the secret, but he sells his beloved car and gives Terry the rest of the money he owes him. Terry asks Jake to be the godfather.