'Brooklyn Nine-Nine' Season 2, Episode 11: 'Stakeout' Recap

'Brooklyn Nine-Nine'  Season 2, Episode 11: 'Stakeout' Recap Jake, Rosa, and Holt receive a medal for their work in busting up the Gigglepig drug ring.

Next up: staking out a drop house for the Ukranian mafia. Jake and Charles volunteer - what's more, they're happy to do it for the entire eight days, rather than a half shift. They're warned against it, but insist they will be fine and can't possibly annoy each other.

Holt brings his visiting nephew Marcus in, and Rosa is attracted to him. Holt later lets Rosa know that Marcus would like her number. She goes out with him, but in the morning, walking down to breakfast with Holt and his husband downstairs is too awkward, and she breaks it off with Marcus.

Charles and Jake go to the stakeout, happy enough. However, days together begin to wear on them, and they start to find each other annoying, as was predicted. Eager to put an end to this, they start a "no-no" list of things they can't do lest they irritate the other. The list gets longer and longer. By the end, they won't even talk to one another.

Terry is writing a book for his two girls, and uses the people he works with as basis for the sketches. Gina and Amy read it, and find their characters are unflattering. Amy's is a pushover, while Gina's is just a straight bitch. Determined to prove him wrong, they begin trying to act out of their norm. Terry finally confronts them on it, and they yell at him for the characters. He points out that, other than their faces, they are just characters, and the women are projecting.

Holt tells Rosa that, while it was certainly awkward for her to be at the house, he wants her to not feel that their professional relationship should be any hinderance to dating Marcus.

Jake and Charles are pushed to the edge of their friendship, and call and end to it. During their fight, a basketball gets thrown through the window, effectively ending their stakeout. The mafia moves its drop house, and they have to start over. Jake requests a new partner but the request is denied.

He and Charles go looking for their guy, and find him at his aunt's apartment. He runs, and they chase him, but he turns and fights. Jake and Charles defend each other, and arrest the guy. They have a moment and declare their friendship - nay, brotherhood - back on.