'Brooklyn Nine-Nine' Season 1, Episode 8: 'Old School' Recap

'Brooklyn Nine-Nine'  Season 1, Episode 8: 'Old School' Recap The group works out ways to remove Scully's smelly shoes as he naps. They manage to snatch them, and blow them up outside.

Jake is excited because a reporter, Jimmy Brogan, is there speaking to Holt. He is the author of "The Squad," a book that inspired Peralta to be a detective.

Peralta and Amy go in to talk to him. Holt explains he is doing research, and will be following the two as they look into an Internet ID thief.

Terry runs a seminar on courtroom demeanor for Charles and Rosa. She is due on the stand for an important case and they're worried she will blow it for them.

Peralta goes in to meet with Amy and the reporter, as she explains how they're planning to catch the ID thief. He has rubbed ash tray residue all over himself in an effort to be more interesting. The reporter naps through their boring case work.

Charles explains to Rosa they need the jury to like her. He and Terry go through what she can do to be more appealing. They pick her an outfit.

Peralta goes to Holt and asks for a more interesting case so the reporter would be more involved with him. Holt reminds him that the story, written in the 1970's, is riddled with sexism and racism and most of the stories are written about Brogan's drinking buddies.

From this Peralta takes that he should go drinking with Brogan.

He's hungover the next morning. Amy reads off the texts he sent her last night. Brogan comes in, perfectly fine after drinking two bottle of Scotch. Holt notices he is violently hung over, despite having been warned he couldn't let Brogan distract him from his work. He makes Jake drink the entire glass of egg yolks Amy brings him.

Feeling moderately better, Peralta manages to track the stolen card numbers. They go to the man, who leaps out the window. Amy chases him down and takes him out. Peralta is too hungover to do much. Brogan notes he is "old school," and he has lots of quotes about Holt to put in his article.

Santiago wonders what he has done.

Diaz goes on the stand. Charles and Terry try to coach her, but it doesn't end well.

Peralta gets e-mailed the list of quotes he said, and he realizes he said terrible things about Holt. Amy tells him to fix it. He goes to find Brogan and asks him not to print it. Brogan refuses.

Peralta goes back to Amy and says he punched Brogan and made it much worse.

Rosa is being destroyed on the stand. She finally takes Terry and Charles' advice to not be nervous  - go to her "happy place."

Holt calls Santiago in to congratulate her on catching the ID perp, but she admits Peralta figured it out. She ends up telling him what happened between Brogan and Peralta. She reveals Peralta asked Brogan nicely, and he agreed to not print the quotes. However, then he insulted the "homo" Holt, and that is how he got punched.

Rosa has done well on the stand. She reveals her happy place - a cabin, where she can beat the crap out of the D.A. She invites Charles to a thank you dinner... and mentions her boyfriend is coming as well.

Santiago reads the article that Brogan wrote about Peralta. Holt tells him to ignore that garbage. He is a good cop.

They blow up a copy of "The Squad" outside.