'Brooklyn Nine-Nine' Season 1, Episode 6: 'Halloween' Recap

'Brooklyn Nine-Nine'  Season 1, Episode 6: 'Halloween' Recap Amy hates Halloween - drunk people with fake guns, and slutty girls in revealing costumes.

The holding cells are full. Holt sends out Charles and Amy to go undercover at a party.

Jake has his first arrest of Halloween. He marvels at the stupidity of perps. He speculates if he were to commit crimes, no one would catch him. They challenge him. Holt's medal of valor, his most valuable item in his office, goes on the line. Peralta vows to steal it by midnight. Terms are drawn, and Holt shakes on it.

Rosa brings in a man in a nun costume who was mugged. Terry talks with her, and decides she's really a big softy underneath her hard exterior. He finds out she didn't graduate Catholic high school, but she won't tell him why and he becomes determined to find out.

Peralta goes to suck up to Gina to find out when the Captain won't be in his office.

In costume, Amy and Charles go to a party to spy, but Amy draws her badge out early and alerts everyone.

Peralta climbs into the ceiling of Holt's office, waiting, but Holt is onto him. He locks his medal in his safe and goes to a meeting. Peralta falls through the tiles.

Amy and Charles return to the station, having been egged. Everyone teases Peralta about how he is going to lose the bet. He dons a janitor costume and tries to get close to the safe, but again Holt catches him.

At another big party, Charles is having a good time dancing, but Amy still hates Halloween. They notice a drug deal go down, and chase. The man ditches the drugs, and Amy has to crawl on the disgusting floor to find them.

Holt calls someone to fix his ceiling, and notices feathers coming in through his vent. He finds Peralta trying to shove pigeons into his air conditioning vent.

Amy pays Hitchcock to hide in her costume and replace her for the rest of the night. Charles confronts her, upset that she wanted to get out of working with him. He wanted this opportunity to get closer to her as a friend.

Peralta tries a confusion tactic to get Holt's keys, and manages to get them, but Holt finds him in the office and demands them back.

Terry calls Rosa's school and finds out Rosa transferred on her own violation. She admits she went to ballet school; she was a classical dancer. She got kicked out, however, for beating up other ballerinas.

Amy comes in and tells Holt that Peralta has been arrested, he was spotted scaling the side of the building with a blowtorch. Holt goes to talk to him in the interrogation room. He is disgusted by Peralta's failure... or is it?

Peralta rewinds back through the day's events, revealing that his team was on his side the entire time, and assisted him in an elaborate crime to steal the medal. Holt opens the door to find Charles holding the medal, with twenty seconds to spare.

Jake admits that he bribed his friends, with a promise to do all of their paperwork... because in losing the bet, the Captain now has to do all Perlata's paperwork.

Charles is called into one of the rooms, where everyone is in costume, including Amy, who apologizes for being terrible to him. They're going to the bar to celebrate Halloween. Holt reluctantly fulfills the rest of his bet, and announces to the room that Jake is an amazing detective.