'Brooklyn Nine-Nine' Season 1, Episode 4: 'M. E. Time' Recap

'Brooklyn Nine-Nine'  Season 1, Episode 4: 'M. E. Time' Recap Amy is on a date when her phone rings. Peralta calls her and needs her back at work... they have a lead on the Nightingale Strangler. He describes Amy's date.

He is sitting in the back of the restaurant, pranking her. He comes over and his own date leaves, not interested in the game.

At work, Peralta pulls ahead in their bet by solving five felonies in one week. Holt comes in to briefing to announce that monthly crime stats are due, and all paperwork on closed cases is due ASAP.

Charles gets assigned Peralta and Rosa Diaz as his seconds on a case. Amy warns him it can be rough.

Amy goes to Holt with a question, but he dimisses her sharply. She bows, making it worse. Diaz asks Amy what her problem is, and reminds her that Holt is just impossible to read. Amy is determined to connect with Holt, who she thinks is like her, and believes is bothered by something.

The trio (Charles, Rosa and Peralta) go to the scene, where the fat victim is quite dead. Peralta struggles not to take charge, but he cuts off Charles and calls it a natural cause death, running over Charles.

Amy asks Terry to draw a perp for her, since their sketch artist is out sick. She wants to get the case solved to suck up to Holt. The victim of the purse snatching comes in to try to describe the man who took her stuff, but Terry isn't doing well, stuck by details.

Rosa takes Peralta aside and tells him to hang back so Charles can do his job. Charles talks to the victim's wife.

A pretty blonde woman, Dr. Rossi, the medical examiner, comes in to look at the body, and Peralta hones in on her.

He takes her on a date.

Charles wonders why the M.E. hasn't dropped off the information from the case yet, and Peralta admits to Rosa and Amy that he slept with her, and what happend between them was weird... or sexy. Basically, she treated him like a corpse. He asks for their call and they say weird. Rosa is annoyed at him for having sex while Charles does paperwork.

Terry is becoming a perfectionist with his perp sketches. Amy is determined to figure out what's bothering Holt.

Holt finds it unacceptable that the autopsy report isn't in for the DOA yet, and goes to call the M.E. but Peralta jumps in and volunteers to go pick it up.

Charles goes to Rosa with a problem. The DOA's wife had said that the two were going on a cruise, but Charles found she bought only one ticket. He tells her that Peralta went to get the autopsy report, and she insists they go and pick it up.

They find Peralta in a freezer, half naked. He apologizes for slowing down the autopsy reports, but it's just a natural cause death. Charles says it may be a homicide now, but the M.E. hasn't gotten around to looking at the corpse. She says she can't, since she gave her assistant the day off when Jake showed up, but he volunteers to help her. It's disgusting.

Amy has gotten her purse snatcher, who looks just like Terry's sketch. Amy asks Terry to do one more drawing... a flattering picture of the Captain. She presents the gorgeous oil painting to Holt, but he's annoyed. He didn't like the picture of himself because it's ostentatious, and now she has wasted time doing that when she could have been putting paperwork in the system to count toward their crime stats.

She tells him she already has it in the system, and he is pleased.

The M.E. tells Peralta that the cause of death is poison. Charles was right.

Amy thinks she has figured out why Holt has been so tense. He's worried about their crime stat numbers. She tells him they've stayed the same... a good sign, since they almost always get worse when leadership switches. He thanks her.

Charles brings in the wife of the victim and arrest her for murdering her husband.

Terry agonizes over the painting of Holt, but Holt asks if he can bring it home for his husband, a clear sign he likes it.

Rosa, Charles, and Jake go out for drinks, when Charles gets a text that he needs to send in the paperwork for the crime. Peralta volunteers to go and do it, for once.