'Brooklyn Nine-Nine' Season 1, Episode 20: 'Unsolvable' Recap

'Brooklyn Nine-Nine'  Season 1, Episode 20: 'Unsolvable' Recap Captain Holt sprained his wrist but won't tell anyone how. Jake speculates. Holt tells everyone he tripped on a sidewalk - and then reveals to Jake that he hurt himself at a Hula Hoop class. No one will believe him.

Jake comes in with another arrest, a new record. Holt tells him to take the weekend off.

Amy walks by with a large bag, and she tells Jake she's going on a romatic getaway with her man Teddy. However Gina reminds her that she volunteered to help Holt with a community outreach program.

Rosa finds Charles talking to Vivian on the phone, hidden in the storage room. They still haven't worked out whether or not they're moving to Canada.

Rather than taking the weekend off, Jake has now decided he wants to work all weekend, on an unsolvable case from eight years ago. A man was murdered in a boat explosion, and the case was never solved. Jake convinces Terry to help him.

Rosa tells Gina they need to let Charles know about "Babylon," a secret place where Charles can speak to Vivian. They take him to the basement and show him their secret bathroom, which has great cell service. They make him promise not to tell anyone about their secret spot.

Amy goes to speak with Holt about the weekend, and tells him she'll be unable to help out. She panics and lies about a dental emergency. His brother-in-law of course is a dental surgeon, and calls in a favor. Amy is trapped in her lie.

Terry and Jake go to the prison to interrogate the suspects from the case, and speak with someone who was shanked. They offer him a better cell for information, and get their first break in the case in eight years.

Hitchcock and Scully confront Charles and demand to know where the secret bathroom is.

Terry and Jake put one of the suspect's wives under the lie detector. She passes when she says she hasn't seen her husband in eight years but she knows he didn't kill the victim. Jake insists on taking the polygraph to see if it's working correctly.

Amy goes to her dental exam and finally confesses that she lied to Holt.

Gina finds Scully and Hitchcock ruining their nice bathroom. Gina declares she will have her vengeance. Finally, she negotiates with the men to keep them out of bathroom.

The next morning Terry finds a sleep-deprived Jake, who thinks he is onto something. He brings Terry to the interogation room, where the "victim," Nate Dexter, is alive and well. Jake realized that the wife was not lying about certain things... but he hadn't been asking the right questions. They murdered her husband and made the body look like Nate Dexter.

At the bar, Amy and Teddy congratulate Jake for solving the unsolvable case. Amy apologizes to Holt, and gets the next weekend off to go to the cabin with Teddy.

Terry tells Jake he needs to deal with whatever is bothering him, rather than solving cases. Terry realizes Jake has feelings for Amy.