'Brooklyn Nine-Nine' Season 1, Episode 17: 'The Apartment' Recap

'Brooklyn Nine-Nine'  Season 1, Episode 17: 'The Apartment' Recap Peralta asks Holt if he saw a report on a murder he turned in, and Holt informs him he did, and that Peralta did a good job. Jake says "Thanks, Dad."

Everyone hears it except him, apparently. He insists he said "man," and gets upset about it, although Holt sees it as a compliment.

At briefing, Holt tells everyone to complete their self-evaluations, and to stay out of the way of the weekend squad.

Jake goes in for his evaluation, explains he is doing well, and asks to borrow money to buy his apartment. His apartment, once his nana's, is going co-op and he has to secure it by the end of the day. The bank laughed in his face. Gina, who grew up with Jake, feels his pain, even though Holt won't lend him the money. She wants to go with him to figure out how he can save the apartment they played in as children.

The weekend crew comes in to take over everyone's desk. Rosa hates her desk buddy, who shaves there.

Gina and Jake hang out at the apartment and try to come up with a way to save it. Gina goes through his bank statements and tells Jake he is bankrupt.

Jake mourns that his building has sprung this whole situation on him, and wonders if maybe he missed a letter. He goes to check the bathtub, where he throws all his mail and is brimming with letters, but can't seem to locate it. He decides his only option is to go speak with a loan shark he knows.

Amy goes in for her evaluation, kissing butt as always, and Holt asks her what she thinks her biggest flaw is. She's thrown.

Charles and Rosa catch her desk buddy shaving. Boyle decides they need to teach him a lesson. They fill his locker with shaving cream and a bag of hair.

Gina and Jake go to the loan shark, who won't give Jake the full amount, but gives him $20,000 as a downpayment. Gina tries to talk Jake out of signing but is not successful.

Jake brings the money, but is too late. He needs to be out by Friday. Gina offers to help him look for a new place, but can't find anything fitting.

Amy, having given considerable thought to her flaws, goes back to Holt with a list. It doesn't seem to be what Holt is looking for, and Amy runs off to try again.

Charles and Rosa go to her desk buddy to find out when he will go to his locker, and he begins to talk about his major marital issues and tragic life. They feel terrible. They go to the locker to try to clean it out, but are found by Holt and Terry who yell at them.

Jake enjoys his last few moments in the apartment, but Gina has an idea. She offers to buy the place and then rent it to him. Jake is actually horrified by the idea and kicks her out. He talks to Amy about it and realizes that Gina is only trying to help.

Charles and Rosa get the locker cleaned up, and she invites him out for a drink. He has plans with his fiancee, but apologizes for not being fun since he had been in love with Rosa. Rosa admits he's fun to hang out with now that he's in love with someone else.

Terry goes to yell at Holt for being too hard on his team. Holt admits that Terry is a good leader and that his team has improved.

Jake goes to apologize to Gina for taking it out on her that she is more responsible than him. He has an idea - he suggests Gina take Nana's apartment, and he can sublease Gina's. She'll have a nicer place and make a profit.

After speaking to Jake, Amy has realized that her biggest flaw is caring too much what Holt thinks of her. She goes to tell him this.