'Brooklyn Nine-Nine' Season 1, Episode 15: 'The Party' Recap

'Brooklyn Nine-Nine'  Season 1, Episode 15: 'The Party' Recap The gang has been invited to Holt's birthday party. They find out Kevin, his husband, invited them, and Jake notes that means Holt doesn't want them there.

Jake tells Holt he's excited to meet Kevin, but Holt notes Kevin and Jake will probably not get along. Jake decides it's his duty to make Kevin his new best friend.

He brings out a box of crimes so they can all brush up on great stories. Terry calls an emergency meeting to teach them how to behave properly. He reminds them all to pick up a bottle of wine.

They congregate outside Holt's house and compare wines - everyone bought the same cheap bottle. They go inside of Holt's lovely home, and meet Kevin. Jake gives him the "wine drink" and tries to tell him a grisly cop story, but Kevin informs him their house has a no "shop talk" rule.

As they chat, Kevin, a professor at Columbia, tells them how he met Holt via phone interview for a story. Jake continues to embarrass himself and so Holt and Kevin go to mingle. Charles spills on his shirt and Hitchcock almost takes his off, so Terry intervenes to make them behave themselves. He calls a party huddle and tells everyone to play on their strengths and coaches them on how to act. Jake gets the same treatment as HItchcock - don't talk.

Jake approaches Kevin and suggests a conversation regarding an article in The New Yorker. Kevin is interested, but Holt hustles him out. Jake admits to Terry he can only remember the title of the article.

Charles approaches a woman at the food table and strikes up a clever conversation. He finds out she is a well-known food author.

Terry finds Amy in the kitchen taking notes with her phone and comparing her items to Holt's, doing recon work to get to know him better.

Rosa approaches a group of professors and asks them what they study. She finds out one studies Abnormal Psych, and brings over Gina, who she has been charged with watching. He finds Gina fascinating.

Jake goes to the library seeking out a copy of the magazine so he can read the article. Holt catches him. He tells him not to try so hard to impress Kevin.

Scully sings opera, his one strength, and Hitchcock accidentally speaks as if they are a gay couple.

Terry finds Jake still panicking about the magazine. He tells him the first two paragraphs are on the free site, and he can look them up but that's all.

Jake finds Kevin and attempts to talk to him about the article on human trafficking, and Jake flubs it and excuses himself.

Charles continues to do well with the food lady, and she asks if he's single. He says yes, and they make out in the closet. Gina, meanwhile, is stunning a collections of psychologists and Rosa can stand quietly alone as she would prefer. Amy attempts to connect with Holt over the things she noticed in his house but as usually cannot bond with him. She decides she needs to go deeper.

Terry notices Amy and Jake sneak upstairs, which has been marked off. He finds them rifling through Holt's bedroom. They hear Holt coming, and hide in the bathroom.

Holt takes Kevin to task for being snobby and rude to his guests. In the bathroom, they find Holt's dog, which begins to set off Amy's terrible allergies as Holt is telling Kevin that he likes his guests. He finds them.

They get kicked out. At work, Amy and Jake mourn their failure. Amy notes Kevin is probably just sick of hearing cop stories, and Jake rushes to Columbia. He has solved the case of why Kevin hates cop talk. He hates cops. Kevin agrees that Holt has been put through hell for being gay by all the police they've known. Jake wants to make it up to them.

They bring Holt to a restaurant and sit him down with Kevin, making a perfect dinner for him.