'Brooklyn Nine-Nine' Season 1, Episode 14: 'The Ebony Falcon' Recap

'Brooklyn Nine-Nine'  Season 1, Episode 14: 'The Ebony Falcon' Recap Peralta briefs Holt on their gym infiltration, where their mark, Brandon Jacobi, can possibly link them to a black market steroid operation. Jacobi will only speak with trainers, so they want to bring Terry in on the investigation.

Holt worries about Terry panicking in the field, but Jake assures him everything will be fine. Terry is on board with the plan, reminding them of his old nickname: The Ebony Falcon. They agree to meet at Terry's house to brief later.

Gina asks Holt for help - her apartment was broken into and some items stolen. She doesn't want her co-workers on the case, she wants it to go higher, though Holt keeps it local. Amy and Rosa go with Holt to Gina's apartment to investigate.

Jake and Charles go to Terry's house, where he puts his girls to sleep. Jake watches the touching scene and becomes paranoid that something bad will happen to Terry. He suddenly gets why Terry had his breakdown. He knows he can't let Terry see his fear or it will get into his head.

Once the girls are down, Terry reassures them that he's ready to be there despite the danger, causing Jake serious anxiety.

Amy and Rosa have hit a wall in looking for the suspect in Gina's break-in. Gina wants to file a complaint against them.

Charles acts as an employee at the gym, while Terry pretends to train Jake. He goes to fill in as Brandon's trainer. Jake tries to find a good vantage point to watch Terry and Brandon but stirs up an older client. He loses sight of Terry.

Terry is fine, however. Brandon comes into the locker room to talk with Terry, asking about his regular gym and wondering why he hasn't seen him there before. Jake jumps the gun and pulls a gun on Brandon.

Gina hires a private investigator, Leo Sporm, to solve her case. Terry comes into the precinct furious at Jake. They arrested Brandon with no evidence, and the likelihood of him turning on his cohorts is now very low.

Jake and Charles use Charles' new organization system from the gym to pinpoint a suspicious trainer who trains Brandon late at night at random times.

Holt informs Rosa and Amy the reason Gina hired a P.I. is because she is scared. They feel bad about how they've been handling the case. They find her working late and apologize for not having found her guy. They take her home and install extra locks and timed lights in her apartment.

Jake and Charles go to perform a sting at the gym, without informing Terry. Terry finds out about it and shows up, yelling at Jake for leaving him out. He and Jake box in the ring while he demands to know why he was left out. Jake admits he was worried about Terry getting hurt.

The criminals come in to talk to Terry. Jake changes his nickname to the Ebony Antelope... brave enough to drink at the lake but wise enough to run from the lions. Terry makes the deal and busts the guys.

Jake tells Holt how well Terry did, and Terry gives him a card the girls made Jake for keeping their dad safe... which has him in frantic tears.