'Brooklyn Nine-Nine' Season 1, Episode 13: 'The Bet' Recap

'Brooklyn Nine-Nine'  Season 1, Episode 13: 'The Bet' Recap Charles is receiving a Medal of Valor for getting shot in the butt. He accepts his medal alongside another officer... a horse named Peanut Butter.

Jake and Amy's bet ends. The one with more felony arrests wins the stakes: Jake's car vs. a date with Amy. The score is currently tied up.

Holt announces to everyone that he is going for drinks afterward to celebrate Charles. Jake corners Holt and asks for more cases to try and win, but Holt knows about the bet and won't give him any extra assignments.

Charles has had to up his pain meds after falling off the stage (so Peanut Butter could get a better photo). His filter is gone and he's saying weird things to everyone. Holt tells Gina to babysit Charles so he doesn't offend anyone and get punched.

Amy comes in with an arrest, thrilled she won... except that Jake busted a prostitution sting, and is up ten. Jake wins the bet. He prepares to take her on the worst date ever.

He picks her up in a suit top and cargo pant bottoms. Amy is wearing a terrible 80's prom dress, as per request.

At the bar to celebrate Charles, he is still blurting out truths to everyone. Gina steps in and takes him aside. Holt meets Terry's wife, and tells her Terry is also a hero, and she finds out he is back in the field... something she did not know. She's not happy.

Jake comes in to announce his date. Amy goes to the bathroom and Jake explains his plan to Charles - the absolute worst date ever. Charles tells him that this elaborate teasing is because he likes Amy. He suggests he sit down and have a conversation with her.

Gina finds Rosa avoiding Charles. She's trying to get away from his truth bombs, but she knows she has to be nice to him since he took a bullet for her.

Jake makes Amy do an unprepared jig with her. Holt calls him aside... he got a call and he needs Jake to go on stake out. Not negotiable. Jake says he'll have to bring Amy.

Terry tries to placate his wife and tells her it was an impulse... as Holt comes up and tells her he's sorry, but it wasn't a spur-of-the-moment decision. She storms off. Charles comes in and manages to smooth things out with his truths.

Jake and Amy change back into normal clothes and go on the stake-out. Jake wants to get their bust done soon so they can get back to their terrible date. The two go on a roof to watch their mark, and Jake explains that the reason he loves the car so much was that it was the car he caught his first perp against. They talk bad dates, and throw snack nuts at each other.

Holt calls and tells Jake he is relieved, but Jake decides to stay. The truck they're waiting for pulls up and they go down to the street. They pretend to be a disgruntled couple to get close, pull guns, and manage to get their perps.

Charles finally corners Rosa and tells her he didn't know who he was protecting when he took the bullet. He only saw a fellow officer. So stop being so nice to him.

Amy gets praised by Holt for turning down the relief team... which she did not realize. A stripper Jake forgot to cancel comes to "thank" Amy for the date.