'Brooklyn Nine-Nine' Season 1, Episode 12: 'Pontiac Bandit' Recap

'Brooklyn Nine-Nine'  Season 1, Episode 12: 'Pontiac Bandit' Recap Charles has been released from the hospital.

Rosa has picked up a man named Doug Judy on counts of identity theft. Doug wants to speak to Peralta about the Pontiac Bandit, Jake's nemesis. Doug describes him, and he matches the composite Jake has as an Asian man. He agrees to help them catch the Bandit for a deal.

Holt has two puppies he is trying to find homes for. Amy offers to take one, even though she is violently allergic. She needs her epi pen.

Rosa and Jake debate over making the deal with Doug. Jake promises to do 1,000 push-ups if he's wrong. They go to Doug's mom's house so he can get the phone he used to contact the Pontiac Bandit. They text him and set up a meeting.

Everyone gives Charles special treatment, even letting him order terrible food for lunch, but he's abusing their assistance.

Jake, Rosa, and Doug wait. The Bandit, Bill, doesn't come, instead sending someone else. He is suspicious. They wait, and Peralta gets a text with a new location. He and Rosa fight over whether this is a good idea. Jake wants to send Doug in with a wire, alone, since the Bandit is clearly spooked. Jake ups his push-up stakes to 2,000.

After Amy has to stick her hand down Charles' butt to get a lot pen, she retreats to a closet Gina has set up as a Boyle-free zone.

Doug goes in with his wire, but nothing happens except that Doug talks about cars. Finally they go in, and find the Bandit... only it's not the Bandit, he's a barber. Doug has fled out the back... because he is actually the Pontiac Bandit.

Holt finds everyone hiding in the Boyle-free zone and yells at them. They decide to give Charles the puppies since he's been so lonely.

Jake asks Rosa to join the case against Doug Judy, and does his push-ups. They find him at 901 the next morning.