Brooke Mueller Charged With Felony Cocaine-Possession

Brooke Mueller Charged With Felony Cocaine-Possession Brooke Mueller, the minor actress more notorious for being the frequently embattled ex-girlfriend of Charlie Sheen, has been charged today with felony cocaine possession with intent to distribute, reports E! Online.

Mueller's charges stem from an alleged assault by Mueller last December of a patron at Aspen, CO's Belly Up nightclub. Police later found her at the nearby Escobar club, searched her for drugs and found her to be possessing cocaine. She was then booked at the Pitkin County Jail.

Following her arrest, Sheen didn't mince words telling media how ridiculous he found the idea that his ex would be dealing drugs.

"With the child support I give her . . . she's gonna deal drugs? Never gonna happen . . . The cops in Aspen are Keystone on their finest day . . . these are the clowns that let [Ted] Bundy go," Sheen said.

Nevertheless, according to CBS News, Mueller was found possessing more than four grams of cocaine - and by law, that crosses the line between "possession" and "possession with intent to distribute." It gets dicey when noted that she's also charged with simple possession, meaning she had less than four grams on her person. The intent-to-distribute charge is a felony carrying a potential six-year prison sentence, whereas simple possession only carries a maximum 18-month jail sentence.

Since the incident, Mueller has been free on bail and back in Los Angeles, following a three-month rehab stint. She appeared several times and admitted struggling solo with sobriety during Paris Hilton's short-lived reality show "The World According to Paris."

She now faces a March 5 court date.